Back in December of 2010, thru conversation and brief one-on-one audition, Darin brought together 6 strangers; Jake (drummer), Anthony (bassist), Christian (singer) and Robert, Rick and Kyle (3 guitarists) to form the next VMI Project Band… 80s Rock… Wild Side rose in January 2011.

Ranging in ages 14 thru 21 with similar music genre tastes and the strong desire to be a performing band, by the second practice, the strangers began to gel and click, to read one another’s moves as though they have always been THE Band.

With only practicing once a week for an 8-week period, Wild Side’s focus and musical talents won two consecutive performances taking 1st Place by audience vote. Wildside does a great version of Rock You Like a Hurricane.

Anthony at Celestial Sound
Rockin' in the studio
Christian at Celestial Sound
Rick, Robert and Jake
httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AJgchQcYwE  Jake, Ricky, Anthony, Kyle, Robert, and Christian seriously LAY IT DOWN.  One of our most exciting bands. If you can remember the 80’s, or not, for whatever reason, you gotta check these guys out.

80's-90's powerhouse metal
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