Winner’s of the Spring  Tour Rock  The Vote!

First place goes to…….


1. Laundry Detergent

2. Toxic

3. Paranoid D

once again, guitar center is supporting youth music by providing many hundreds of dollars in prizes to the winners of our rock the vote contest. $50 each in guitar center money to the first place band. $25 each to the second-place band, and $10 each to the third-place band.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the voters.
I hope to see you all the week of June 9 when we start the Summer Session which will end at Modstock August 10.



1 comment

  1. May 27, 2014 at 10:28 pm
    luandry detergent guitarist

    Yeah great job on Sunday to all the bands that played at Gallo. 😉 you guys rocked it

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