Thanks to everyone who came to the fat cat 🙂 it was one of our biggest turnouts ever, almost 400 rock ‘n roll fans! We love the fat cat, just like we love guitar center and sum place recording studios.
Thousands of votes were cast in our favorite band contest and the results are as follows:
1. Perfect nightmare
two song recording session at sum place studios
2. Laundry detergent
50 Dollar Guitar Ctr. gift certificates for each member
3. Paranoid delusion
25 Dollars Guitar Ctr. gift certificates for each member
4. Breaking chainz
10 Dollars Guitar Ctr. gift certificates for each member
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the voters.
I hope to see you all the week of March 24 when we start the Spring Session which will end at The Gallo Center May 18.
Mr Rogers
Congrats to all the winners and special props to the awesome players in the band I had the joy of coaching, Paranoid Delusions!!