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Modesto’s 2013 festival of lights parade and the VMI Rocks Roberts auto float wins best small commercial business division! UPDATE: We were designated Sweepstakes winner which means best float in the entire parade! As there were many wonderful floats this is a real honor! What a day, the culmination of many days leading up to this parade rock ‘n roll event. Our float was literally amazing, and the music being played by these good-looking talented and kids was the best part! Many thanks are in order. But the number one person that this could not have been done without is Dennis Noland of Roberts auto. Dennis is an owner/partner of Roberts auto sales and he sponsored the float not just financially, but with many dozens of hours of his own backbreaking labor 🙂 It’s one thing to give money, and he does and we appreciate it, but Dennis really put his heart, soul, creativity, and his time into this Christmas float project. I put some hours in on the float out at the dealership and Dennis was always working on it before I got there and many hours after I left. 🙂 On the day of the parade he started at 7 am and went straight thru til 9pm with no break for food or even a change of clothes. Dennis really believes in our community, and music and kids in particular, we are absolutely blessed to have him on our side. Dennis doesn’t look on Facebook or check our website so he will never know that I am sending him these accolades. Please buy your awesome used cars at Roberts auto sales, as that money stays here in the community and goes back into the community.
Additional thanks go to Mike Soto and Robbie Boyatt. They helped put this float together, all the sound and equipment, and I could not have done it without them. Thanks to my little balloon company, thanks to Danny Smith, thanks to Victor Torres, you guys are all awesome.
The musicians were fantastic! Collin Smith, Billy Grigsby, Blake Smith, and Dylan Soto were great. Thanks to the beautiful Blair Morris for rocking the keyboards! And the best singers anywhere: Taylor Coleman , Shelby Benz, Claire Davis, and Chloe Ramirez.

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