Valley Music Institute took 16 bands on tour to Rookies in Manteca May 5. The bands all ROCKED and the crowd loved it! We had a really good time and Rookies was great!
The whole experience was made extra special when Chris Broderick from Megadeth showed up! Chris is a famous rock star for sure but he is also a very accomplished classical guitarist and an all around talented, formally trained musician. Did I mention he is an extremely nice and humble guy for a fire-breathing metal guitarist?
Chris is friends with the family of Billy Grigsby (of Uncaged and South of The Equator) and Kyle Sanchez (of The Power Tigers).
It was such a treat for us all to meet him and to have him at our show!
031Chris and me.025Chris and Jojo Jorgensen021Chris Broderick and the Felton family

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